
December 1 is the World AIDS Day, and thus we wanted to create awareness about the disease and information about what it means to be HIV Positive, who’s in risk and how to prevent it. The HIV Latino Outreach group at the Baltimore City Health Department, led by Dr. Page a co-director of Centro SOL,  is a great success and provides support to hundreds of residents of Baltimore diagnosed HIV positive.
As preparation for the day-of, first meeting took place at a local church, during an event organized by a Social Worker at the Baltimore City Health Department. The event brought together people from different ages, race, ethnicity and language. They were there  for a purpose: learn about what it means to be positive, “getting to zero! llegando a cero”. Parents brought their kids, friends and advocates shared a very sensitive moment, getting to zero.

On December 1, the @Generation2M -Generation Tomorrow, a Hopkins affiliated group, organized a story telling session to share experiences around HIV, AIDS and being positive: HIV Part of Our Story. Several community members shared their stories, including what it is like to be HIV positive, you are more than HIV positive, attitude is important when you are positive, stigma and the importance of information and education, among others.

More photos from the Generation Tomorrow event can be found at their Facebook page

12/8/2014 Update: Generation Tomorrow shared the link to the recording of the stories during their event. Check them out at their Youtube channel.

Kathleen Page, MD, JHU, Centro SOL
Alfredo Santiago, BMS Social Worker
Ayesha McAdams-Mahmoud, Generation Tomorrow
Maritza Zavala-Smith, Mi Espacio, CASA of Maryland
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