The Latino Family Advisory Board (LFAB) has been very active since its creation four years ago. The board follows a unique model, not only working on research, but also strengthening community-building, and promoting cultural competency among Johns Hopkins staff.
Two manuscripts have been released at the end of 2015, highlighting this program, the model, and the outcomes. We invite you to check them out: First one titled Engagement of Limited English Proficient Latino Families: Lessons Learned from Advisory Board Development published in the Prog Community Health Partnership Journal. Second article Voice and a Vote: The Advisory Board Experiences of Spanish-Speaking Latina Mothers published in the Hisp Health Care Int.
Congratulations to the LFAB members, faculty and staff for these two great outcomes!
¡Felicidades a las miembros del consejo, investigadores y personal por estos dos grandes resultados!
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References to the articles:
DeCamp LR, Polk S, Chrismer M, Giusti F, Thompson DA, Sibinga E. Healthcare Engagement of Limited English Proficient Latino Families: Lessons Learned from Advisory Board Development. Prog Community Health Partnersh. 2015;9(4):521-30. PMID: 26639378
DeCamp LR, Gregory E, Polk S, Chrismer M, Giusti F, Thompson DA, Sibinga E. A Voice and a Vote: The Advisory Board Experiences of Spanish-Speaking Latina Mothers. Hisp Health Care Int. 2015;13(4):217-26. PMID: 26671562