
As we all remain indoors, here is a list of FREE things you can do or download to distract you from the commotion of COVID-19. We hope it helps. Please note, this list will be updated regularly so check back to see if there is anything new!

Mientras nos quedamos en casa, aquí tienes una lista de cosas GRATIS que puedes hacer o descargar para distraerte de la preocupación del COVID-19. Esperamos sea de ayuda. Por favor, ten en cuenta que revisaremos esta lista regularmente, así que vuelve para revisar si hay algo nuevo!


Free Resources

  1. Free yoga online: https://www.yogaworks.com/classes/live/

  2. Free HBO Shows and Movies (you have to scroll down to where it says “Stream For Free: No Subscription Required”): https://play.hbonow.com/page/urn:hbo:page:home

  3. Meditation (Calm app): https://bit.ly/2XhJm44

  4. Free Amazon Prime for Students (Free for 6 months and $6.49/month after): https://www.amazon.com/gp/help/customer/display.html?nodeId=201895520

  5. Free ebooks and audiobooks through the Pratt library: https://www.prattlibrary.org/elibrary/

  6. Free Manga: https://www.viz.com/

  7. Online drawing game to play with friends: https://skribbl.io/

  8. Free virtual tours to museums and landmarks across the world: https://www.insider.com/museums-theme-parks-offer-virtual-tours-ideal-for-social-distancing-2020-3#speaking-of-theatre-the-famed-metropolitan-opera-is-hosting-nightly-live-opera-streams-while-they-are-closed-5

  9. Free live stream of Broadway shows: https://www.timeout.com/newyork/theater/the-best-live-theater-to-watch-online-april-7

  10. Baltimore Free Food Distribution Centers: https://baltimore.maps.arcgis.com/apps/Nearby/index.html?appid=32ce54bc99e746f5bc4c386208cee3e7

  11. Free tech support:


  12. Free Robotics and Computer Science courses (grade 3-12, including AP courses):


  13. Free Planet Fitness Workouts at 4pm, 5pm, 6pm, and 7pm: https://www.facebook.com/planetfitness/

  14. Free Virtual Rec Center (live streams for BaltimoereZoo, Aquarium, games by age, sports, Harry potter, dancing, etc): https://bcrp.baltimorecity.gov/virtual-rec


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