We are excited to start planning the round 2 of Testimonios. We started 6 months ago without any clue what would happen after that time, but time is here, and we are moving forward. To learn more about Testimonios you can read the page describing the program. Here we can tell you that the group started in May this year, and has been reinforced as community and professionals met. The group is facilitated by JHU psychiatrists, psychologists and social workers. The help for our Latino neighbors has been tremendous, because the mental health service in Spanish is a huge need and lack to many people but most impacting this vulnerable population.
The group sessions are oriented to Latino adults, and in addition to the conversation, parents can bring their children who are supervised in a different room next to where the adults meet. The children supervision component has been key for the success of the program, because for many of our participants for their first time, they have the opportunity to focus in their stress, they have the opportunity to listen and be listened. There are 4 to 6 children ages 5 to 12, with two volunteers. They have plenty of homework and toys to play.
We gave to our future volunteers 10 reasons to support the program, would you join us?
- Because this is a great opportunity to learn more about the needs of a vulnerable population out of a clinical setting.
- Because you can practice Spanish
- Because you don’t need to speak Spanish (most of our children are bilingual)
- Because with only 2 hours a week, you will be making a huge impact in a population to benefit their health
- Because you will meet great faculty professionals from the mental health field who volunteer their time during each session
- Because you will be close to Patterson Park
- Because you will meet a new place and eventually make new friends
- Because after each session you will want to come back again!
- Because there is nothing else asked, but your presence and good willing
- Because you will have dinner featuring Latino healthy (as healthy as possible) food (who can resist some platanitos fritos every once in a while!)
We can’t wait to see who joins us for the platanitos fritos!
To facilitators and children supervision volunteers, THANK YOU!