Monica catanzariti

We are grateful for the trailblazers who paved the way for all of us in our history and those who make our lives better day by day. We celebrate the life and contributions of our team members, colleagues, and allies this International Women’s History Month.

Mónica Catanzariti

¿De dónde eres? comparte algo característico de tu lugar de origen. Where are you from? share something typical from where you are from.

I am from Cali, Colombia, the land of coffee and flowers!! I was born in the city of pandebono and champus. Colombia is one of the most diverse and charming countries in the world. We Colombians are known for being happy and rumberos, but more than that, we are all hard workers and entrepreneurs.

¿A qué te dedicas? What do you do?

I am a Program Coordinator for the SNAP outreach program at Johns Hopkins Community Connections.

¿Qué te motiva? What inspires you?

I am motivated by my children, my family and helping others.

¿Qué le dirías a tu yo más joven sobre donde te encuentras ahora en tu vida? What would you tell your younger self about where you are in life?

You can achieve everything you set your mind to… Believe in yourself and follow your dreams!!

Aunque todo lo que has hecho en tu vida es producto de tus esfuerzos, siempre tenemos personas que nos han apoyado a las que agradecer o recordar. ¿Quiénes son esas personas para tí y por qué? Although everything you’ve accomplished in your life is the product of your efforts, there are always people to thank or think about who supported you. Who are those people for you and why?

Thanks to the support of many people, I was able to fulfill many of my dreams. My mother gave me good morals, and my brothers and sisters were my driving force. When I was in Colombia, my boss Don Carlos believed in me and gave me the opportunity to work with him and that’s where I was able to start my university studies. Once in the US, my bosses like David C, Cindy B. and Bob played a big role in my professional success. They not only believed in my abilities but also led me to join his leadership team. My coworkers and friends served as role models and supported me in my growth. Lastly, during my journey in the US, I met Monica Guerrero, who also saw my passion for advocacy and directed me to the team where I could develop these skills. Not knowing that one day we would be on the same team! Very grateful and blessed!

¿Qué significa para ti la equidad en oportunidad para los Latinos? What does it mean for you equity in opportunity for Latinos?

Equity means access to everything for everyone, regardless of the color of their skin, their religion, their gender, political beliefs, education and language. Every human being has the right to have a dignified life.

¿Hay algo más que te gustaría compartir? Is there anything else you would like to share?

Do not stop believing!!


Learn more about Centro SOL at Who we are

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