We are grateful for the trailblazers who paved the way for all of us in our history and those who make our lives better day by day. We celebrate the life and contributions of our team members, colleagues, and allies this International Women’s History Month.
Lindsay Cooper
¿De dónde eres? comparte algo característico de tu lugar de origen. Where are you from? share something typical from where you are from.
Baltimore, MD. All kinds of crab dishes and Berger cookies!
¿A qué te dedicas? What do you do?
I’m a Sr. Research Program Coordinator for two maternal mental health studies that help moms manage stress, parenting, and prevent postpartum depression. I also manage Centro SOL’s research consultation services, in which we advise study teams on best practices in conducting inclusive research with Latinx populations.
¿Qué te motiva? What inspires you?
On a professional level, believing in the importance of our work and working with great teams. On a personal level, my husband and 5-month old son : )
¿Qué le dirías a tu yo más joven sobre donde te encuentras ahora en tu vida? What would you tell your younger self about where you are in life?
I’d tell her not to worry, and that no matter how scary it seemed at the time, moving to a small city in a foreign country where she didn’t know anyone would shape her personal and professional life in the best ways possible.
Aunque todo lo que has hecho en tu vida es producto de tus esfuerzos, siempre tenemos personas que nos han apoyado a las que agradecer o recordar. ¿Quiénes son esas personas para tí y por qué? Although everything you’ve accomplished in your life is the product of your efforts, there are always people to thank or think about who supported you. Who are those people for you and why?
My parents and my husband. They’re my biggest support system, and I can’t thank them enough for all they’ve done and do for me every day.
¿Qué significa para ti la equidad en oportunidad para los Latinos? What does it mean for you equity in opportunity for Latinos?
It means inclusion, respect, and access to the same opportunities as others. Individuals have different circumstances and needs, and these shouldn’t prevent them from having fair access to healthcare, education, food, housing, employment, and social services.
¿Hay algo más que te gustaría compartir? Is there anything else you would like to share?
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