
Centro SOL celebra la comunidad y promueve los recursos comunitarios por quinto año consecutivo. Recursos ofrecidos por organizaciones locales que ofrecen servicios para inmigrantes, y a bajo o ningún costo. El evento tiene lugar el 16 de febrero de 10am a 1pm (inscripciones inician a las 9:30am) en la Escuela Archbishop Borders School (entrada por la calle Fleet).

El evento es presentado por Centro SOL en colaboración del Comité Latino de Baltimore.

Patrocinado por Relaciones Comunitarias en Johns Hopkins Bayview. Y el apoyo de Savemart Supermarket y Somos Baltimore Latinos.

Centro SOL Celebrates community and promotes community resources for fifth consequtive year. Resources are offered by local organizations that provide services for immigrants, for low cost or no cost. The event takes place on Saturday February 16 from 10am to 1pm (registration starts at 9:30am) at the Archbishop Borders School (entrance on Fleet St.).

Confirmed partners

  • Baltimore City Health Department

  • University of Maryland Medical Center

  • Hispanic Dental Association

  • Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center

  • Priority Partners MCO

  • University of Maryland Latino Medical Student Association

  • Maryland coalition of families (MCF)

  • All Children Thrive and Produce In a Snap

  • Priority Partners MCO

  • House of Ruth MD

  • Adventire Dental and Vision

  • BCHD Family Planning

  • Baltimore City Cancer Program

  • Maryland Insurance Administration

  • Baltimore Medical System

  • Sección Consular de la Embajada de México

  • University of Maryland School of Dentistry

  • Aetna Better Health of Maryland

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