July 31 .- This week, was full of activities. Our students continued to work with physicians, learning about patient care, and professional interpreters. Among all the things that happened this week, they had a lunch with Dr. Alicia Arbaje, Assistant Professor, and physician at the Geriatrics Department at Johns Hopkins Bayview, and met Dr. Charlie Reuland, COO at Johns Hopkins Bayview. They discussed with the students their professional path, why they are doing what they do, and how they accomplished so much and being part of such a big health system as Johns Hopkins.
This week we also had the annual Hopkins Career, Academic, and Research Experiences for Students (C.A.R.E.S.) Network and Symposium. More than 16 summer programs were present at this event filled with a lot of energy from young people, enthusiasm and professionalism, at Armstrong Medicine Education Building. Andres Cordoba, and Jennifer Mendez, opened a door for future students, representing the Latino population. Andres shared his inspiring story, introduced by Dr. Peter Agre, who was awarded the 2003 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his discovery of aquaporins. Jennifer talked to a room full of people about her findings on Tuberculosis experiments, an experience in the laboratory. In addition, our group of students received several awards, congratulations to Jose Dominguez, Yaslin Machuca, Ana Corro, Rafael Leon, and Alison Cruz!!
Video and photos will be available at http://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/som/students/diversity/Hopkins_cares.html
On 7/31 we also said good-bye to Jennifer and Kevin, who were part of the Youthworks cohort. Thank you for choosing Centro SOL for your summer experience!