Land of Opportunity?
Latino Immigrants and the Affordable Care Act
The Johns Hopkins Centro SOL and the Urban Health Institute announce the Latino Health Conference “Land of Opportunity? Latino Immigrants and the Affordable Care Act (ACA)”. This event will provide a dynamic forum for speakers and attendees to discuss challenges and opportunities associated with changes in the healthcare system and the rapid growth of the Latino community in Maryland. The conference will bring together scholars, policy experts, clinicians, and community advocates interested in improving access and quality of healthcare for Latino immigrants and their families.
El Centro SOL y el Instituto de Salud Urbana de Johns Hopkins anuncian la Conferencia Latina de Salud “¿Tierra de oportunidad? Inmigrantes Latinos y la Ley del Cuidado de Salud (ACA)”. Este evento proporcionará un foro dinámico de conversación para los presentadores y los asistentes para tratar retos y oportunidades asociadas con los cambios en el sistema del cuidado de salud y el rápido crecimiento de la comunidad Latina en Maryland. La conferencia reunirá a expertos, profesionales de políticas y líderes comunitarios interesados en mejorar el acceso y la calidad del cuidado de salud para los inmigrantes Latinos y sus familias.
Tuesday, May 12, 8am – 5pm
Feinstone Hall
Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
615 N. Wolfe St. Baltimore, MD 21205
See Program Guide/Vea la Agenda
Register Now
5/11 5:50pm Registration is now closed. There may be some seats available, you can register at the door. Thank you!
Payable by check to Johns Hopkins University Mailing address: Johns Hopkins Centro SOL, Mason F. Lord Center Tower Ste. 4200, 5200 Eastern Ave. Baltimore, MD 21224 (note on the check “LHC2015”)
*Students must show ID at registration
** Reduced fee: For those who would like to apply for the reduced fee (waiver), please choose this option and provide a brief explanation of why you would like to attend the conference in order to receive this grant. Funding is limited and we cannot guarantee that all who apply will receive this grant. If the reduced fee is not approved, you may withdraw your registration and have your fee returned to you, or you can pay the normal fee. Please contact Centro SOL at if you have any questions about this process.