With one week left for the second Annual Latino Health Conference, everybody is getting ready for this conversation.
You are invited to this conversation too! To register or learn more about the speakers visit www.jhcentrosol.org/events/lhc2016 You will need to register to reserve your spot.
The addition of this conference is the Business Breakfast, where entrepreneurs and business leaders in the community come together to create a network that supports after-school and summer opportunities for Latino youth.
Everybody is invited to send questions and comments for the speakers on May 12 using hashtag #LHC2016 on Facebook or Twitter followed by the theme of interest. This year, the conference is focusing on: Mental Health, Teen Pregnancy and Education. To send a questions about:
- mental health post #LHC2016 #mentalhealth,
- teen pregnancy post #LHC2016 #teenpregnancy
- education post #LHC2016 #education.
Todos están invitados a enviar sus preguntas y comentarios a los expertos que presentan durante la conferencia el 12 de Mayo usando la etiqueta en Facebook o Twitter #LHC2016 seguido del tema de su interés. Este año, la conferencia se centra en: Salud Mental, Embarazo Adolescente, y Educación. Para enviar sus preguntas sobre:
- salud mental use #LHC2016 #saludmental
- embarazo adolescente use #LHC2016 #teenpregnancy
- educación use #LHC2016 #educacion