Our Census campaign aimed at increasing the Census participation of the Latinx population in Hard-to-Count neighborhoods, like Brooklyn and Lakeland, in South Baltimore. Our goal would be to identify and assist 125 immigrant households with their Census. We would accomplish this by following a community-centered approach – a collaboration with promotoras. Women that were informative, trusted, and well connected leaders in the Latinx community.
Starting strong in January, our team was trained by the Office of the Census Bureau and our promotoras began recruiting households to engage. Within a month, they had reached over 100 households. Promotora Adriana Rojas is pictured on the right, canvassing at the local Lakeland store, Cinco de Mayo.
In late February, after social distancing restrictions, our timeline of events changed. While, we kept the essence of our campaign, which would be the work of our promotoras, we decided to take a virtual campaign approach.
The Results:
Between January and October, our campaign tracked the outcome of (1) number of households assisted by our promotoras* (including zip codes), (2) reach of our virtual events, and (3) other social media post insights). The following reflects this data:
At least 22 local businesses in South Baltimore
2 schools during their food distribution events
4 churches in South Baltimore
5 times with MIMA in Highlandtown
Within the 227 households, we found:
At least 26 zip codes, with majority in Brooklyn, Lakeland, and Highlandtown
All of the households were Latinx
Most of the people calling in for assistance were women
Provided 4 laptop and 8 surprise giveaways to 12 of these households
Baltimore City reports that approximately $1,800 in federal funding is lost for every person not counted in the Census. The Office of the Census Bureau reports that the average number of people per family household is also around 4 people. Using this data, we conclude that our promotoras brought in $1.6 million dollars of federal funding to Baltimore City.
Thank you to the funders of this campaign:
Planned Parenthood Foundation
Baltimore City Office of Planning